Awards and Achievements

Institute Achievment - Facility Development in Project and innovation Lab (IC Dept.)

  • To enhance prototyping facility, In house 3D printer was developed.
  • More than 150 mechanical tools were procured for Project and innovation Lab.
  • Bench Drilling facility was erupted for smooth prototyping.

Institute Achievment

Students of Degree Engineering and MBA College of Gujarat Technological University can get benefit of Industrial Project in Industrial Summer Internship in Project Innovation Laboratory of Government Polytechnic Ahmedabad. It is the first time in the state that students of degree engineering and MBA colleges have been offered internship in government polytechnics.

Institute Achievment

Auto dept's done MOU with "Hyundai Motors"- dept and will get Verna car to train students.

Institute Achievment

MG Motor India and Government Polytechnic Ahmedabad have signed an MOU as part of its MG Nurture program to upskill students. MG Nurture is an initiative to prepare students for future skills through hands-on and hands-on training on EVs and autonomous and connected vehicles at various engineering colleges and ITIs across India. MGI has agreed to provide a non-roadworthy MGI manufactured MGI vehicle content manual along with a training car [MGI Vehicle] for the training of faculty/instructors as well as students. Also, free training of two faculties is going on at present.
Click here for more details on MG Motor India and Government Polytechnic Ahmedabad MOU

Special Achievment of Faculty

Ms. G D Shah, Head of Plastics Department of the Institute has been granted a patent for an invention named Driver Seat to prevent back pain using lumbar roll, shock absorber and stopper for a term of 20 years from 12th January 2014.
Click here for Patent Certificate

Special Achievment of Faculty

The Project Innovation Club of Government Polytechnic Ahmedabad has organized a "Build Your Enterprise" workshop for new students of Instrumentation and Control Engineering and Automation and Robotics in collaboration with MSME Ahmedabad at Sola on 07 and 08 December 2022. In which the students will be given the knowledge of how to create an enterprise, entrepreneurship, support for the industry and practical skills by the industry experts
Click here for more details Project Innovation Club of Government Polytechnic Ahmedabad

Special Achievment of Faculty

Dr SV Gandhi received the title of Ph.D.

Special Achievment of Faculty

Lt (Dr.) Duhita Lakhatariya has done Refresher training course at OFFICER TRAINING ACADEMY GWALIOR from 30 Jan 2023 to 18 Feb 2023. She got Gold Medal and secured 1st rank in merit.Also she got Excellence Award in MAP READING , EXCELLENCE AWARD IN WEAPON TRAINING -FIRING,AND EXCELLENCE AWARD for Planning and Organising NCC CAMP.She got over all 1st rank all over India.
Reputed Journal Publications by Faculty – 06
Book Publications – 01 (Dr. G. D. Shah, Plastic Engg.)
No. of Faculties achieved Ph. D. Degree – 01 (Dr. Almas Juneja, General dept)

Special Achievment of Students

  • Harshil Dave, student of Biomedical Engineering has secured Gold Medal for University Toper for the Year 2019-20.
  • Patent filled by student - Mr. Bhavsar Om R.
          Invention entitled : SUN AQUA VAPOUR FILTER
          Patent Application No. : 202021041169 (23-09-2020)


  • Excavator Robot developed by SSIP team won 1 prize and 5 lacs rupees as a cash prize in Robofest 1.0 competition organized by Gujarat Council of Science and Technology (GUJCOST).

Media Coverage Of Vayu Rakshak Device

Media Coverage Of Excavator Robot

  • Awarded best Excavato Robot among all institutes across state By GUJCOST, DST, GoG One Innovation “Excavator Robot ” Covered by leading NEWS channel ZEE24.

Media Coverage Of object Disinfectant Machine

  • One Innovation “Object Disinfectant Device” Covered by leading NEWS channel NEWS 18. This Device has been developed by Mr.S.V.Gandhi & Team,IC Dept.